• ISSN (Online): 2584-0274
  • International Journal of Contemporary Dental Research
  • Email : ijcdr@apdch.edu.in

Welcome to International Journal of Contemporary Dental Research

Year of Publication : 2023
Frequency of the publication : 4
The journal publishes four issues at January, April, July, and October, in English.
Format of this publication : Online
Language : English
Subject Scope : Dentistry

Dental specialization are welcome. Conservative Dentistry, Community Dentistry, Dental Biomaterials , Dental Traumatology, Endodontics , Esthetic Dentistry, Implant Dentistry, Oral Epidemiology, Oral Biosciences , Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology , Orthodontics , Oral Radiology, Oral Rehabilitation, Pedodontics, Periodontology , Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry and Forensic Dentistry.

CrossRef has provided DOI Prefix = 10.62175

Call for Papers
Submission open for coming issue

International Journal of Contemporary Dental Research (IJCDR) invites you to submit your research work via our Online Submission System or Email at ijcdr@apdch.edu.in. publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers of significance in all areas of medical research and allied health sciences. We accept extended version of papers previously published in conferences and/or journals. The submitted papers will be blind reviewed by two experts out of whom one expert will be an international expert. Positive responses from both the reviewers is necessary.

Submit Manuscript via Online Submission or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at ijcdr@apdch.edu.in